What exactly is Droplo?
Droplo is a B2B platform that connects suppliers and retailers from all around the world and automates online sales.
Dropshipping and B2B sales
Verified suppliers

We help retailers...

Find B2B products and suppliers
You can find millions of ready to sell products from suppliers at wholesale prices in our B2B Marketplace.

Negotiate terms of cooperation
Talk and negotiate prices and terms with suppliers from all around the world in Droplo's free B2B messenger tool.

Automate sales
Send orders automatically from your sales channel directly to your suppliers in Droplo.

Create your own online store
Start an online store in minutes with ready-made products directly from suppliers. We will teach you how to sell.

Discover top products
Discover the hottest market trends and top products that other online retailers are cashing in on.

Import products from XML or CSV files
Didn't find your supplier in Droplo? Add his products to your store or directly on Allegro by using XML or CSV file.
Why should you choose Droplo?
With its intuitive interface and ease of use, anyone can start selling online.Complexity
We offer all the tools you need to sell online by using only one platform.Scalability
Our platform grows with your business, adapting to your needs.Support
You can always count on our experienced Customer Success team to help you.
Join us and discover new products every day.
Frequently asked questions
If you have any other questions, please contact us. We will be happy to help!
Contact usIntegrate, automate, sell more!
Droplo connects retailers with suppliers from all around the world. Choose the best integrations and tools for your online sales. Join the largest B2B e-commerce community for free.