Store security: How to secure your store from digital attacks?
BlogLaw and Security

Store security: How to secure your store from digital attacks?

Author  Karolina Woźniak

Estimated reading time: up to 7 minutes

With the rapid growth of the e-commerce market, theft is becoming a big problem in this industry. Online stores are increasingly becoming victims of hacking attacks. Thieves take advantage of the ignorance of shopping platform owners about security and protection. Many sites are becoming easy targets for online scammers. According to a study published in 2021 by insurance company Allianz – attacks on e-commerce companies made up 23% of all reported cyber security incidents over the past five years. The most common forms of fraud are DDoS attacks, phishing, malware and ransomware. They include situations such as loss of confidential customer information, privacy breaches, financial losses, image damage and business interruption. That’s why it’s important to be able to protect your site from hacker attacks. In this article, you will learn how to secure your store from digital attacks and what steps you should take to do so. 


store security


Store security: Technical security    

There are often technical (DDoS-type) attacks aimed at breaking the security of an online store’s IT systems. Thieves aim to gain unauthorized access to data (both financial and personal customer data) or perform malicious actions, such as attacking payment systems.  What measures are worth taking to secure your site against technical attacks, such as DDoS attacks?     


store security


Tools to secure your store against technical attacks   

  1. Firewall – (e.g. Fortinet FortiGate, SonicWall TZ Series) is software that is the first line of defense against external attacks. It can block suspicious IP addresses and filter network traffic.   
  2. Antivirus solutions – (e.g. Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Norton AntiVirus) detect and remove malware. They work from both the server and the end device.   
  3. DDoS attack detection and blocking tools – (e.g. Radware ,Cloudflare, Arbor Networks) help detect and then block DDoS attacks that can limit the operation of an online store.   
  4. Anti-spam solutions – (e.g. ReCaptcha, CleanTalk, MailPoet) filter and block emails that contain malicious attachments or links.   
  5. Security monitoring tools – (e.g., Sucuri, Trustwave, Acunetix) enable tracking of network traffic and detection of suspicious behavior. They can respond quickly to threats and send notifications to the administrator of a given system.   
  6. VPN services—(e.g. NordVPN, Surfshark VPN) are tools that allow you to securely connect to the Internet and transfer data. 


store security


Technical store security. What are the benefits?  

Some of the biggest benefits of technical security features that are found in online stores include:   


Also keep in mind best practices in addition to the tools and methods listed above to protect against digital attacks:   


store security


Data protection – what store security features should you choose?   

Data protection should be one of the priorities of any online business. The privacy and security of customers should be taken care of. Online stores process a lot of important information that can be the target of digital attacks, such as names, home addresses, phone numbers, mailing databases. If the data gets into the wrong hands – it will be used by unauthorized persons.  


In order to protect customers’ personal data, a number of security standards must be implemented:   


It is worthwhile to also implement in the store authorization of access to data and ensure its secure storage, two-factor authentication and strong passwords. It will also be a good idea to implement antivirus systems, use back-ups and threat detection, regularly update software and security audits. 


store security



Security audit – an important part of securing your store   

A security audit involves assessing the performance of all the security systems an online store has in place, as well as detecting potential threats that could jeopardize the safety of anyone using the site. Once completed, a report should be prepared. It should contain the results of the analysis as well as recommendations for improving security and security policies. Important in this regard, for example, are penetration tests, analysis of source code, evaluation of security policies and identification of security vulnerabilities. 


Advantages of online store security audit   


Audit of an online store. What to pay attention to?   


Tools that are useful for auditing an online store   


How to secure your store from digital attacks (6)



Thieves are using increasingly sophisticated and audacious theft methods in the e-commerce industry. To secure your store from digital attacks, you should use various methods to help protect your online store from hacking attacks. One of the most important tools is an SSL certificate, which encrypts customer data and identifies the store as secure. It’s worth putting in place a number of other technical safeguards, as well as ensuring the protection of customers’ personal information and constantly monitoring and improving the security of the site. You also need to conduct regular security audits on the online store to identify potential threats. This will ensure that it is well protected against all kinds of digital attacks.


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You will gain all of this by joining Droplo’s users’ base. 


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