Connect with suppliers,
by dropshipping

Droplo makes it easier for merchants to obtain products for sale in dropshipping.
Take advantage of the free Starter package, and try it for 7 days free.
Start (valid for 7 days) Ikona Starter package is valid only for 7 days
0 EUR / month
Ikona10 products to choose from Ikona this is how many products you can export to your store
Ikona1 supplier to choose from Ikona with so many suppliers (wholesalers) you can be integrated at the same time
Ikona1 sales channel Ikona the sales channel may be, for example, your store
IkonaLive sync Ikona you can synchronize your inventory, prices, and other information about your products from your suppliers every few minutes
IkonaExport filters Ikona you can decide which products will be automatically exported to your store
IkonaAdd your own suppliers SOON Ikona you can integrate yourself with any supplier using the simple Droplo Importer creator
IkonaMark-up rules SOON Ikona you can add your markup to the wholesale prices based on any scenario
IkonaExport of orders to suppliers SOON
IkonaConnect with Allegro SOON
22 EUR / month
Ikona10 000 products to choose from Ikona this is how many products you can export to your store
Ikona 3 suppliers to choose from Ikona with so many suppliers (wholesalers) you can be integrated at the same time
Ikona1 sales channel Ikona the sales channel may be, for example, your store
IkonaLive sync Ikona you can synchronize your inventory, prices, and other information about your products from your suppliers every few minutes
IkonaExport filters Ikona you can decide which products will be automatically exported to your store
IkonaAdd your own suppliers SOON Ikona you can integrate yourself with any supplier using the simple Droplo Importer creator
IkonaMark-up rules SOON Ikona you can add your markup to the wholesale prices based on any scenario
IkonaExport of orders to suppliers SOON
IkonaConnect with Allegro Ikona not available in the small package
44 EUR / month.
Ikona50 000 products to choose from Ikona this is how many products you can export to your store
Ikona10 suppliers to choose from Ikona with so many suppliers (wholesalers) you can be integrated at the same time
Ikona3 sales channels Ikona the sales channel may be, for example, your store
IkonaLive sync Ikona you can synchronize your inventory, prices, and other information about your products from your suppliers every few minutes
IkonaExport filters Ikona you can decide which products will be automatically exported to your store
IkonaAdd your own suppliers SOON Ikona you can integrate yourself with any supplier using the simple Droplo Importer creator
IkonaMark-up rules SOON Ikona you can add your markup to the wholesale prices based on any scenario
IkonaExport of orders to suppliers SOON
IkonaConnect with Allegro SOON
66 EUR / month.
Ikona250 000 products to choose from Ikona this is how many products you can export to your store
Ikona50 suppliers to choose from Ikona with so many suppliers (wholesalers) you can be integrated at the same time
Ikona5 sales channels Ikona the sales channel may be, for example, your store
IkonaLive sync Ikona you can synchronize your inventory, prices, and other information about your products from your suppliers every few minutes
IkonaExport filters Ikona you can decide which products will be automatically exported to your store
IkonaAdd your own suppliers SOON Ikona you can integrate yourself with any supplier using the simple Droplo Importer creator
IkonaMark-up rules SOON Ikona you can add your markup to the wholesale prices based on any scenario
IkonaExport of orders to suppliers SOON
IkonaConnect with Allegro SOON
    All prices are net, and VAT should be added.

Frequently asked questions

The ready, integrated suppliers list can be found after logging in to the administration panel.

If you do not find your supplier there – you can integrate yourself using the built-in Droplo Importer application (soon). It is enough that you have access to your supplier’s offer in XML.

You can use the Starter package for 7 days for free. Within this package, you can choose ten products from one supplier. You can change the package at any time by selecting it from the current price list.

We are working on it, and it is our highest priority. The price of each package includes a tool for the automatic export of orders to selected suppliers.

The prices of individual packages can be found above in the price list. The cost depends on the number of selected products, suppliers, and sales channels.

You can pay monthly with Droplo

Droplo supports cooperation with the best e-commerce platforms in Poland, such as RedCart, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Shopify, etc. If we do not have established cooperation with your store yet, write to us at: »

You can integrate with any supplier using the built-in Droplo Importer application (soon). It is enough that you have access to the offer in XML. You will be able to configure the entire integration in just a few steps, and it is not complicated. You can always count on our help. Write to us if you need support at: »

Each of our clients receives full support from us, including technical support. If you need help or have questions? Write to us at: »

Of course, all data about products, such as prices, stock levels, etc., are automatically updated as soon as the supplier changes them. In the settings of selected integrations with suppliers, you can define what data is to be updated.


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