CX: how to take care of customer experiences in e-commerce?
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CX: how to take care of customer experiences in e-commerce?

Author  Karolina Woźniak

Estimated reading time: up to 7 minutes

Customer experience (CX) is one of the core factors determining success in online sales. Online stores that offer a positive experience and conduct satisfying interactions with customers have a good reputation with them. They often achieve, also better financial results than their competitors. Customer experience in e-commerce is one of the most popular topics in e-commerce today. According to Salesforce’s 2021 “State of the Connected Customer” survey, 80% of respondents believe that customer experience is equally important as the quality of products and services offered by a company. So how do you take care of the customer experience? What elements are valuable to achieve success in online business? 


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What is customer experience in e-commerce? 

Customer experience (otherwise known as CX) – includes all the activities of an online store that help it take care of buyers, and therefore affect their feelings throughout the online shopping process. It is important for a company to provide its customers with a positive experience at every stage of this interaction. This influences a higher level of enjoyment and satisfaction with the transaction. Quality customer service definitely plays a key role in the development of an online store. 


What are the basic principles of CX?   


customer experience


Customer needs analysis in CX

Do you want to provide the best customer experience in your online store? For starters, get to know your buyers’ needs and expectations. There are many steps you can take to do this, such as: 

  1. Social media monitoring – social media platforms are an interesting source of knowledge and opinions about the online store. You can see what customers like, as well as what elements they think need improvement. Responding quickly to all kinds of suggestions will help our online business grow.    
  2. Take care of direct contact – try to stay in the best possible relationship with customers. Respond quickly to their inquiries, both by phone and email, and try to respond to all online comments.     
  3. Marketing research – for larger online stores, use a variety of research methods, such as a focus group interview.   
  4. Competitor analysis – check what your competitors have to offer. Such activities allow you to better understand the needs of customers in the industry in which your online store operates.   
  5. Data analysis – analyze data from your website on a regular basis. It is important to have information on the time spent by customers on the site, the most frequently searched products, the number of abandoned shopping carts and traffic to the online store. This will help you identify a possible problem and quickly implement appropriate solutions.   
  6. Online surveys – conduct surveys that ask buyers about their shopping expectations, preferences and suggestions for your store.     
  7. Testing – run A/B tests. This will help you verify more effective solutions on your site. It’s a good idea to test different versions of the homepage and see which one is more attractive to your audience. 


Useful tools for analyzing customer needs of an online store 


customer experience


What conclusions can we learn from analyzing customer needs in an online store?   

By analyzing the needs of customers in an online store, we are able to learn a lot of important information that can be used in creating a good customer experience, such as the most popular products and categories in an online store, factors influencing purchase decisions, the payment methods most frequently used by customers. This allows e-store owners to identify problems, personalize their offerings and improve the quality of service, including improving the entire shopping process and enhancing the complaints process. 


Designing processes in an online store   

Designing processes that will enhance customer satisfaction is very important to the success of an online store. Here are some tips on what you should pay special attention to:   


customer experience


Tools to help you design your online store processes:   


There are also programs for tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of sales processes in an online store: e.g. Google Analytics or Hotjar, as well as business process modeling (BPMN or UML). It is worth paying attention to tools that monitor the quality of customer service (chatbots, CRM systems). Process automation tools, such as the back office of an online store, are also interesting.


What are the benefits of good process design in CX?   

Why is it worth investing in CX process design? Here are some benefits for the online store:   


customer experience (3)


Personalization in CX  

Personalizing the customer experience in an online store involves tailoring the offer and communication methods to the unique needs and preferences of a given group of users. This allows you to create an offer that meets the customer’s purchase expectations to the highest level possible.    


Recommendation Engines platforms turn out to be useful here. They make it possible to generate personalized product suggestions and therefore help increase sales effectiveness. It is also worth using Dynamic Content Personalization Tools. With them, you can tailor your advertising message and offer to the needs and preferences of your customers. 


What other activities should be taken to personalize the CX?   




What are the benefits of personalizing the CX?    

Personalizing the customer experience guarantees many benefits for an online store:  



The right customer experience is one of the most important factors for an online store’s success. It is important to know the expectations of buyers and then design processes that respond to their needs. It is also important to personalize the customer experience, and to constantly monitor and improve the performance of our online store. Companies that invest in CX are more successful in the e-commerce industry. Quicker to adapt to buyers’ expectations and needs. This results in a more customer-friendly site, which translates into loyalty, positive feedback and referrals, and in turn, higher profits. 


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