How not to drown your savings in e-commerce?
BlogFirst steps in e-commerce

How not to drown your savings in e-commerce?

Author  Natalia Wiszewska

Estimated reading time: up to 9 minutes

Have you ever wondered how few e-commerce businesses in Poland succeed? Did you know that as much as 80% of online activities in Poland are small and medium-sized enterprises? Why do most of them face problems and difficulties? Today, we will attempt to answer these questions and provide you with key information about running an online store in Poland. I hope that this article will help you avoid many pitfalls that await those who are not adequately prepared.

The Paradox of Poor E-commerce Performance in Poland

Poland is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce markets in Europe, but at the same time, it is one where poor performance prevails. Why does this happen? There are several factors contributing to this paradox.

Firstly, the Polish e-commerce market is still relatively young and has not yet reached full maturity. E-commerce companies have to confront numerous challenges, such as intense competition, lack of experience, and insufficient financial resources.

Secondly, Polish consumers still have certain reservations about online shopping. These concerns stem from a lack of trust in online stores and fears of fraud. Therefore, e-commerce businesses need to focus on building trust in their brand.

The Situation of Most E-commerce Businesses in Poland

The majority of e-commerce businesses in Poland face significant issues. Often, they lack the right strategy and knowledge to succeed in a competitive market. Additionally, many of them don’t have sufficient financial resources to invest in necessary tools and technologies.

Lack of a proper marketing plan and lack of visibility are common problems in Polish e-commerce. Many companies struggle to reach customers and build a solid customer base. They need to concentrate on building their brand and standing out amid the competition.


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How to Start Your Own Online Store?

Starting your own online store can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be a worthwhile investment. Here are a few key steps to take to begin your e-commerce journey:

  1. Choose the right e-commerce platform: There are many platforms that offer ready-made solutions for online stores. Select one that best suits your needs and budget.

  2. Plan your sales strategy: Determine what products you’ll sell and how you’ll promote them. Consider the unique features of your store and how you can capture the attention of potential customers.

  3. Build a professional website: Your website is your brand’s storefront, so make sure it’s aesthetically pleasing and functional. Ensure that it’s responsive and optimized for various devices.

  4. Invest in online marketing: Online advertising can help you reach a broader audience and boost sales. Utilize various marketing tools, such as SEO, Google AdWords, and social media marketing.

  5. Provide customer support: Satisfied customers are more likely to return, so it’s essential to offer excellent customer service. Respond to customer inquiries and issues promptly and professionally.

How to Start from Scratch in E-commerce?

If you want to embark on your e-commerce journey but have no experience or capital, don’t worry! There are many opportunities that will allow you to start from scratch and gain knowledge and experience along the way.

Begin by acquiring basic knowledge about e-commerce. Read books, articles, and participate in online courses related to e-commerce. Learn the fundamental principles and online selling strategies.

Next, start with the smallest budget. Use free tools and platforms to kickstart your online sales. You can sell products on online auctions like Allegro or set up a simple store on selling platforms.

Through these actions, you’ll gain the necessary experience and knowledge to help you expand your e-commerce business on a larger scale in the future.

Risks Associated with Running an Online Business

Like any business venture, online business carries some risks. However, let’s take a look at some of the most common risks associated with running an online business:

  1. Cybersecurity risk: Hacking attacks and data breaches pose a significant threat to online businesses. Therefore, it’s crucial to protect your data and your customers’ data.

  2. Customer dissatisfaction risk: If your customers are not satisfied with your service or product quality, they may share their negative experiences with others, damaging your reputation.

  3. Financial risk: Investing in an online business involves financial risk. There are no guarantees of success and substantial profit.

Why shouldn’t you use your savings as start-up capital?

One of the biggest pitfalls lurking for would-be entrepreneurs is using your savings as startup capital to launch an online business. Why shouldn’t you do this? Here are a few reasons:

  • You could lose your savings. Online business can be unpredictable, and the odds of success are not always high. If you invest your savings in a business, there is a risk of losing that money.
  • Uncertainty of return on investment. There is no guarantee that your savings will bring you a return on investment. Online business involves many risk factors that can affect your returns.
  • Lack of financial flexibility. If you use up all your savings for start-up capital, you won’t have any funds for ongoing expenses and business growth. Financial flexibility is crucial for survival and growth in the e-commerce industry.
  • Alternative funding sources. There are many alternative sources of funding for e-commerce businesses, such as business loans, angel investors and crowdfunding. Take advantage of these opportunities instead of risking your savings.

Scaling is not always the key to success.

Many e-commerce businesses focus on scalability, which means increasing sales and business growth. Of course, scalability is important, but it’s not always the key to success. There are many factors that can influence success in e-commerce. Here are a few of them:

  • Quality of products and services – consumers are always interested in good products and high-quality service. Focus on delivering valuable products and providing excellent customer service.
  • Marketing and promotion – the right marketing strategy can increase the visibility of your brand and attract more customers. Invest in online advertising, SEO, and other marketing tools.
  • Building brand trust – customers like to buy from brands they trust. Ensure that you build trust in your brand through good customer service, collecting feedback, and providing quality guarantees.
  • Effective management – effective financial, logistical, and human resource management is crucial for success in e-commerce. Be a responsible and diligent entrepreneur.

Key Success Metrics in E-commerce

Certainly, success in e-commerce can be measured in various ways. Here are a few key indicators that can help you assess your achievements:

  1. Sales Growth – Sales growth is one of the most critical success metrics in e-commerce. Monitor your revenue and be aware of growth trends.

  2. Conversion Rate – The conversion rate measures the number of people making a purchase relative to the number of visitors to your website. The higher the conversion rate, the better.

  3. Customer Reviews – Customer reviews are crucial in e-commerce. Positive reviews help build trust in your brand and attract new customers. Monitor customer reviews and respond appropriately.

  4. Customer Loyalty – Loyal customers are invaluable to your business. Ensure you build a strong relationship with your customers and provide them with excellent support.

The Role of a Website in Building Brand Trust

A website is a crucial tool for any online business, serving several important functions, including building brand trust.

Why is a website important for your e-commerce business?

  1. First Impressions – Your website is the first place where customers encounter your brand. Therefore, it’s essential to capture their attention and create a positive first impression.

  2. Professional Appearance – A professionally designed website conveys a sense of solidity and credibility for your brand. Focus on the aesthetics and functionality of your website.

  3. Ease of Navigation – Your website should be easy to navigate. Customers should find the information and products they need with ease.

  4. Security – Ensuring customer data security on your website is crucial. Implement appropriate security protocols, such as SSL, to protect customer information.

The Importance of Collecting Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are incredibly important for the growth of your e-commerce business. First and foremost, customer reviews help build trust in your brand. Customers seek the opinions of others before making online purchases, so it’s worthwhile to encourage leaving reviews and feedback.

Customer reviews can also assist you in improving your offerings. Through customer feedback, you can learn what works well and what can be enhanced. You can also use customer reviews as a marketing tool by featuring them on your website or on social media.

Supporting Local Businesses

Supporting local e-commerce businesses has many benefits not only for the local community but also for the businesses themselves.

Why is it worth supporting local entrepreneurs?

  1. Boosting the Local Economy – Every purchase from a local e-commerce store helps support the local economy and job creation.

  2. Understanding Customer Needs – Local entrepreneurs often have a better understanding of the needs and preferences of the local community, making it worthwhile to support them.

  3. Building Business Relationships – Supporting local businesses can lead to valuable business relationships that can be mutually beneficial.

  4. Reducing Carbon Footprint – Local purchases have a smaller environmental impact as they typically involve shorter transportation routes.

How to Prepare for Starting Your Own E-commerce Business

Preparing to start your own e-commerce business requires proper planning and preparation. Here are the steps to consider before embarking on your e-commerce journey:

  1. Market Research – Conduct thorough research to understand market trends and customer needs in the industry you plan to enter.

  2. Choose a Niche – Determine the niche market you want to occupy. Find a unique niche where you have the potential to stand out and compete with other e-commerce businesses.

  3. Identify Your Target Audience – Define the specific group of customers you want to serve and identify the products and services that appeal to them.

  4. Create a Business Plan – Develop a comprehensive business plan that covers all aspects of running an online business, including finances, marketing, logistics, and customer service.

  5. Find Suppliers and Partners – Build a network of reliable suppliers who can provide you with high-quality products and services. Also, seek out business partners who can assist in your business’s growth.

  6. Build Your Brand – Consider your brand’s name, logo, and visual style. Focus on building recognition and trust.

  7. Select the Right E-commerce Tools – Choose an e-commerce platform that best suits your needs. Determine what other tools and technologies you require for your business.

Starting an e-commerce business can be a rewarding venture when you plan meticulously and execute your strategy effectively.

Unconventional Promotion Methods

In the age of the internet and social media, there are numerous unconventional promotion methods that can help you promote your e-commerce business. These include:

  1. Influencer Marketing – Collaborating with influential figures in your industry can increase brand visibility and reach a larger audience of potential customers.

  2. Contests and Giveaways – Hosting contests and giveaways on your website or social media can attract customer attention and engagement.

  3. Brand Ambassadors – Select individuals who align with your brand and have a substantial following. Ask them to promote your online store.

  4. Blogger Partnerships – Partner with popular bloggers and request them to include links to your website in their articles and posts.

In conclusion, running an online business in Poland can be challenging, but with the right preparation and strategy, you can minimize the risk of financial loss. It’s essential to understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for e-commerce success.

You should continually learn and develop your skills, be flexible, and adapt to changing market conditions. Utilize the available solutions, such as e-commerce platforms, marketing tools, and collaborations with other entrepreneurs. Remember that online business is a long-term process where you need to take consistent actions and risks to achieve success.


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