The e-commerce trends. How to boost your store’s sales? (2)
Bloge-commerce market

The e-commerce trends. How to boost your store’s sales? (2)

Author  Karolina Woźniak

Estimated reading time: up to 7 minutes

As you already know from the first part of the article – trends play an important role in the development of the e-commerce market. In 2023, you need to adapt to the expectations and needs of your customers in order to stand out from competing e-businesses. What else should you pay attention to? It is worth taking advantage of trends such as social commerce and chatbots. How can they help us reach a wider audience, simplify the buying process and increase the profits of your online store? You can find out by reading this article! 


Social commerce  

Social commerce is a popular e-commerce sales strategy recently. It involves using social media to directly sell or promote products or services. The entire process takes place within a given platform. This enables the creation of personalized offers that are best suited to the target audience. Users can integrate with each other, as well as see recommendations and reviews of products by other buyers. Social media also allows quick and easy communication with a particular brand or retailer. This form of sales allows marketing activities to be performed on a larger scale, at least within a particular channel. 

Social commerce

Some of the most popular social commerce platforms used lately are Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Pinterest. 


What steps you should take to take advantage of the social commerce trend in your store? 

Just a few simple steps will allow you to use social media to sell your products efficiently. What is worth focusing on?  

Digital 2021 Global Overview Report

Benefits of using the social commerce trend 

  1. Wider reaches, reaching a large audience;
  2. Ease the buying process – selling through social media platforms is simple and intuitive;
  3. Increase the visibility of the products you offer, such as the function of tagging products on Facebook or Instagram;
  4. Create your brand, strengthen your corporate identity through your presence in social media, which is a popular channel;
  5. Get to know your customers better – from analyzing comments or reactions of the audience to published content, you can learn more about their buying preferences, and expectations from the brand;
  6. Greater profits – social commerce sales are now one of the best ways to scale your business, and in turn, to sell better.


Tools enabling social media buying 

Social commerce sales are gaining popularity. Here are some examples of tools that will enable the customer to purchase your products or services:   


Examples of popular e-commerce platforms:  



Chatbots are highly developed computer programs that recognize and process the natural language spoken by humans. Thanks to their advanced features, they are able to communicate with visitors to a given site, both in text and sometimes even voice form. They are able to provide answers to the most common questions asked by users, for example, through the use of flowcharts. Many of them are able to carry out transactions executed on a given site. Currently, chatbots are used in many different sectors of the economy, such as banking, retail or healthcare. They are, also, present on social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Slack. 


50 percent of online stores in the world use chatbots or other tools that automate communication with the customer

What steps should be taken to benefit from the chatbot trend in your store?  


Tools you should use to enable customers using chatbots in your store: 


What are the e-commerce trends and how to boost your store's sales? Part 2

The biggest benefits of using chatbots trend in e-commerce: 



The article suggests several ways to use social commerce, i.e. selling through social media. It is worth taking an interest in this trend, as it will bring many benefits to your online store, not only financial. It can, also, help you get to know your customers and their preferences better, increase the reach and visibility of the products you offer, facilitate the buying process and even strengthen the visual identity of your brand. For this type of sales, it is worth using appropriate plug-ins and tagging products in images.  The second e-commerce trend is chatbots. They can set goals for a selected e-business and improve the performance of an online store, including customer service. Tools such as chatbot building platforms, website integrations, CRM synchronization or data analysis programs are very helpful in achieving your goals.


Droplo w e-commerce

Droplo is an innovative platform for companies that allows you to optimize and automate online sales from one place. The proposed solutions meet the needs of both suppliers and sellers. Easy cooperation, security, availability and synchronization of databases allow you to scale businesses for both parties.  

You gain all this by joining the group of  Droplo customers.


See also: 

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