Activate Droplo suppliers offers

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Activate Droplo Supplier


In Droplo, you can browse through a ready-made database of suppliers and select for activation only those offers that fit your profile.


Offer activation in Droplo is based on the approval of cooperation by suppliers.  


  1. On the suppliers list, find the supplier you are interested in and use the “Go to the supplier’s page” button.

  1. Then use the “Activate supplier offer” button.



  1. A new window will appear, where you will be informed that by activating the offer you accept the terms and conditions that the supplier provides.  




  1. Once you have read the terms and conditions, use the “Activate the supplier’s offer” button. 
  2. A notification will appear in the upper right corner saying that an approval request has been sent to the supplier.



  1. When the offer is finally attached to your Droplo account, you can simply browse through the supplier’s catalogue adding the desired products to your list. 


In the “My suppliers” tab you can check the current status of the offer. 


Once the supplier accepts your request, the offer will display as “Active”, and it will be possible to add the products to your list and export them to your online store.


You can also remove supplier’s offer anytime by using the trash bin icon in the ACTIONS column. 


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