Account settings

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Supplier account settings


Your user settings can be changed anytime. Do it by visiting the “User settings” panel, which is divided into 4 sections:


  1. In the “Account” section, you can:


  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe Droplo newsletter
  • Change your password


  1. In “Your company” section:


  • General information window– here you place the billing data and contact information
  • Brand settings window – describe your business / brand


  1. In“Selling settings” section, we can choose between :


  1. “General” tab allows you to:
    • choose the currency for your products
    • tell us if you take part in the Dropshippingmodel 
    • tell us if you accept returns from retailers


  1. “Delivery” tab you can add delivery options for your sells.


  1. “Sells terms allows you to choose or upload required terms and conditions for your future business partners


  1. “Cooperation settings”
  • allow retailers to activate your offer by themselves
  • tell us if natural persons can make wholesale purchases from you


  1. Referrals program – in this card you will find an individual affiliate link for Droplo special offers.


Stay tuned form more information on this matter! 😊

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