Retailer Account settings

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Account Settings (Retailer)


You can always change the settings of your Droplo account. Just go to the “settings” tab in the lower left corner (gear icon).


There are 4 sections in the settings page:


  1. Account – where you can:


  • sign up for Droplo newsletter
  • change your password
  • hide or display the erotica category across the platform
  • change the language of the platform




  1. Your company – update your company details

  1. Subscription and payments:


  • choose a paid plan or change the plan you’re currently on
  • change payment and invoice details
  • check when will be your next payment
  • find out how many products were already exported to your sales channels


  1. Refferrals program – in this card you will find an individual affiliate link for Droplo special offers.


Stay tuned form more information on this matter! 😊


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